From BOS to campus:
- Get off plane
- If you came on a Porter flight, pick up your gate check bags on the jetway immediately after you deplane
- Clear customs
- Walk through baggage claim
- Look for signs for Ground Transport (Silver Line 1 – often abbreviated to SL1)
- If you need to go to the bathroom, bathrooms are to the right past the funny trinket machine (Rube Goldberg machine) when you exit baggage claim
- Board Silver Line 1 (it’s a two-segment bus that is internally connected)
- You do not need to pay fare, so you can board any door
- It makes around 4 or 5 stops before it reaches the last stop: South Station
- The Silver Line is a loop and only goes in one direction from the airport, so you do not need to worry about directionality
- Get off Silver Line 1 at South Station
- Walk towards the back of the bus (to the right when you get off), towards Red Line (inbound towards Alewife, via Park, via Harvard) (any of these words means you are going the right way)
- Go down the stairs onto the platform and feel free to turn left and walk towards the far end of the platform (last train car) if you want to be close to the subway exit when you get off
- Board inbound subway towards Alewife
- Get off subway at Harvard Square and walk in the opposite direction of the train (if confused, ask for where the Dunkin Donuts inside the station is)
- Walk down the big, wide ramp towards the station opening and go through the pay barriers (they open automatically when you are exiting)
- Go up the escalators beside the Dunkin Donuts
- Go up the next set of escalators
- Meet me here! (Stand by the door of the Starbucks)